Archive for December 2012

Our Toowoomba Practice Has Moved

We are in… and most importantly everything works! Phones, NBN, Eftpos and chiropractic tables all made the move without incident so we are all up and running.

361 west stIf you haven’t been to see us lately to hear about our move, we haven’t moved far. We are now directly opposite Westridge, at 361 West Street. We are on the corner of West and Beh Streets (look for the big Westridge Pylon sign, or the traffic island). The driveway is off Beh Street and we have on site parking.

There are no other changes to our contact details, so our phone number and email address remain the same.

We look forward to welcoming you to our new home!

Sonja and Matt

PS For those of you who also see Stacey for Massage… Stacey has made the move with us.

